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Financial Statements
The Company’s consolidated financial statements (highlights) and non-consolidated financial statements are available below.
Note: Amounts less than one million yen are rounded down.
  Consolidated Balance Sheets  |   Consolidated Income Statements
  Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets
  Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
  Non-consolidated Statement of Financial Position
  Non-consolidated Income Statements
  Non-consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Assets
Consolidated Income Statements
(Unit: million yen)
  FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016
Net sales 13,076 16,747 14,920 11,088
Cost of sales 7,905 9,791 9,289 7,281
  Gross profit 5,171 6,956 5,631 3,807
Selling, general
and administrative expenses
3,055 3,535 3,246 2,847
  Operating income 2,115 3,421 2,384 959
Non-operating income 215 165 71 99
Non-operating expenses 63 87 202 102
  Ordinary income 2,267 3,499 2,253 957
Extraordinary income 30 0 - -
Extraordinary loss 1 0 22 -
  Income before income taxes 2,296 3,499 2,231 957
  Income taxes-current 1,088 1,638 778 366
  Income taxes-deferred (133) (9) 122 27
  Net income 1,340 1,870 1,329 564
  Profit attributable to non-controlling interests 4 4 14 16
Profit attributable to owners of parent 1,336 1,866 1,315 547
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