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Financial Statements
The Company’s consolidated financial statements (highlights) and non-consolidated financial statements are available below.
Note: Amounts less than one million yen are rounded down.
  Consolidated Balance Sheets  |   Consolidated Income Statements
  Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets
  Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
  Non-consolidated Statement of Financial Position
  Non-consolidated Income Statements
  Non-consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Assets
Non-consolidated Statement of Financial Position
(Unit: million yen)
  FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016
Current assets 7,266 9,006 6,892 6,689
Noncurrent assets 5,392 5,317 5,035 5,135
  Property, plant and equipment 2,350 2,303 2,240 2,185
  Intangible assets 43 41 41 39
  Investments and other assets 2,998 2,971 2,752 2,909
Total assets 12,658 14,323 11,927 11,825
Current liabilities 5,162 6,098 4,229 4,109
Noncurrent liabilities 2,087 1,472 1,078 1,171
Total liabilities 7,249 7,570 5,307 5,281
Net Assets
Shareholders’ equity 5,359 6,645 6,553 6,333
  Capital stock 1,023 1,023 1,023 1,023
  Capital surplus 936 936 936 936
  Retained earnings 3,551 4,836 4,744 4,524
  Treasury stock (150) (150) (150) (150)
Valuation and translation adjustments 48 107 66 210
  Valuation difference
  on available-for-sale securities
48 107 66 210
  Total Net Assets 5,408 6,752 6,619 6,544
  Total Liabilities and Net Assets 12,658 14,323 11,927 11,825
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